Little Big Learners
Childcare and Private Tutoring in Worcestershire

Little Big Learners
Ashton-under-Hill After School Club
Bredon Breakfast & After School Club
Sedgeberrow After School Club
After School Childcare
We understand that life can be extremely busy and fast paced. Our aim is to assist busy working families by providing comprehensive and engaging after school childcare clubs that, not only satisfies the dilemma of managing school pick ups and working hours but, will also assist family life by supporting children in the quest to self manage school commitments and academic achievements. Please see the links to each of our venues and find out what schools we are able to collect children from to attend our clubs.
Child Care Sessions:
£4.80 per hour
(Minimum session length is 1 hour)
Ashton-under-Hill First School
Bredon Hill Academy
Sedgeberrow First School
Bredon Hancock's Endowed First School
Secure your child's place.
We understand that, particularly for children, attending something new can be a daunting experience. We will do all we can to ensure the transition into our establishment is as stress free as possible and a 'key person' will liaise with you, on request, to support any concerns you have.
What we aim to provide as our vision for child care:
* We will read with your child after school and fill in their reading journal.
* We will assist / guide children in completing their school homework.
* We will communicate school messages from class teachers and make the transition from school to child care to home as smooth as possible.
* On arrival children will be given time to sit and eat a snack that they bring in a named box. Fruit will also be available on site and we provide time to have additional fruit at 5.15pm for children still in our care.
* Children will be given time to choose an activity and/or have chill-out time following a busy school day.